In a tragic turn of events, a 28-year-old man named Gituhu resorted to a desperate act that sent shockwaves through Mombasa town.

The young man, a graduate of the University of Eldoret with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, chose to set himself ablaze. Brandishing a Kenyan flag and carrying petrol, Gituhu made his way to the Nwembe Tayari Roundabout.

There, he voiced his anguish over the high cost of living and vehemently contended that Raila Amollo Odinga’s victory in the August 9, 2022 elections had been unjustly snatched away. Climbing atop a statue at the Roundabout, he lit himself on fire, a heart-wrenching act that left those who witnessed it stunned.

Despite the swift efforts of witnesses to douse the flames and rush him to the Coast Teaching and Referral Hospital, Gituhu succumbed to his injuries.

With a staggering 80 percent of his body covered in burns, his untimely death has underscored the depths of desperation that some individuals can experience in the face of societal grievances.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, a prominent political force in Kenya, responded to this devastating incident on their official Twitter account. Expressing their deep sorrow, they decried the loss of a promising young life due to unfulfilled promises by those in power.

“The pain of losing a loved one as a result of empty promises by those in power. Mr. Gituhu had hopes in life, a vision and dreams, the only thing he needed was an enabling environment by the govt to fulfill them. Sad he had to take his own life. To family & friends, poleni sana,” ODM stated on twitter.

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