Kenyans have taken to social media to complain and narrate how they were duped while shopping for electronic devices in shops along Luthuli Avenue.

Shops operating along Lithuli Avenue have been on the spotlight for a while over fraud cases. Sellers prey on ignorant unsuspecting customers conning then thousands of shillings with the promise of providing quality electronics at cheaper prices.

A Facebook who identifies himself as Johny Kul while warning others against shopping on the renowned Nairobi street narrated how he ended up buying a tornado android TV instead of Hisense Android as he intended.

Johnny who is a victim of fraud along the street claims that he had  previously window shopped the Hisense  TV, saved up some money and came back to buy but got conned instead.

“I had window shopped last month, we agreed on the price and I saved up. Today I came to pay and collect. Was served by a girl named Shiru, she wrote, signed the receipt collected money the bam! Trouble began” wrote John.

Johny says after making his payment, Shiru then begun engaging him in unrelatable conversations before handing him a TV that required monthly subscription to work.

“The TV I was buying apparently belonged to the genre of TVs that require monthly subscription to watch anything other than a blue screen” he lamented.

Narrating painfully he noted that efforts to have the sellers refund his money were all in vain as he was unceremoniously chased away from the shop.

Following his testimony, other Kenyans who once fell victim of conmen along the street narrated their fraud  experiences while sympathizing with Johnny.

” Luthuli is a no go zone for electricals..ukitaka hisense enda jamia mall those guys have good stuff” commented a user Mathew Rock.

“Pole happened to me the same way” Pesh Mwangi.

“I will never set my foot there again after parting away with my money buying nothing on those shops” added Nyabuto.

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