
At least 10 people have been reported dead in Kwale following the heavy floods.

Among the ten are two officers from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officers who died while crossing the River Ramisi.  The car they were using was retrieved but sadly their bodies are still missing.

Two other people were swept by water in Tiwi where only one body was retrieved. Two others died in Vanga and Kinango where as another was electrocuted in Msambweni while pruning a tree in the rain.

The Coast Regional Commissioner, Rhoda Onyancha noted that 10,307 families in the regions; Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu, Tana River and Taita-Taveta have been affected where many families have been left destitute. Ms Onyancha has said that the government will work with the county government and other agencies to offer support to the affected households. She added that there should be an organized system of giving reports to avoid confusion.

“The county commissioner will work together with the devolved government in assessing the situation and see  how we can reach out to everyone… if we are to do a report on the flooding, it should be one. We do not want every agency to be giving its report,” She said.

Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Nassir however said that he has not received El Nino funds from the national government. He also said that Ksh 30 Million has been set aside for disaster management. He added that his administration would offer therapy, feed and house victims and that the last heavy rains experienced in Mombasa were in 1997.

“We have received zero funding, everything we are doing, is from our coffers and partners… the rains are very heavy. We last experienced such in 1997,” Mr Nassir said.

The Kenya Red Cross Society, UNICEF, the Bohra Community and other donated 10 pumps, tanks, drugs and food.


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